Is it worth to start Full Stack Web Development from freecodecamp ?

Is it worth to start Full Stack Web Development from freecodecamp ?

My Experience - FreeCodeCamp


1 min read

I recently joined to FreeCodeCamp it's nearly about 1 week ago I joined. Since, I earned a certificate of Responsive Web Design. I thought to share my experience.

So, the first question arises that "What is FreeCodeCamp?"

FreeCodeCamp is a free online learning certification platfrom. It provides Full Stack Development to Machine Learning all courses with certificates. Not only that it also gives access to learn & explore different topics.

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So, How is my Experience? I got to know from LinkedIn. After that I started my journey on freeCodeCamp, the first certificate I claimed yesterday was Responsive Web Design. Now I am going to next learn about Front End Development Libraries. On this platform I can learn almost every topic with implementation which is very important. Exercises that are in course are awesome.

I have not so much word to say because I have not spent so much time. But I will recommend everyone to start their journey.

Conclusion: Overall, I consider freeCodeCamp as one of the best platform to start Full Stack Web Development. It has clear, concise, and fast-paced explanations that are guaranteed to bump up your skills.

Thanks for reading my article and make sure to keep in touch for more upcoming articles.
